These fragments I have shored against my ruins

In which I am yet again inspired by gaming tech:

Remember this? Jon lay on a white leather divan, utterly unaware. The two girls who sat beside him every day in literature class were drawing on him with calligraphy brushes. They had duct taped tracked pens to each brush. A little remote infrared camera sat atop a humming portable projector. Another camera sat on a

In which I am yet again inspired by gaming tech: Read More »

"The Chair" is (a)live! (And in NATURE!)

One chilly morning in January, I phoned Squid for his birthday. As I padded barefoot between the living room window and the kitchen talking about how far up the simulated brainstem one might nestle robot :: human affective bonding, I casually made reference to a story idea I had. “Oh, wow,” he said. “You have

"The Chair" is (a)live! (And in NATURE!) Read More »

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