
My open-source body.

There’s a moment in Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels after the caper is finished when Vinnie Jones’ character bids farewell to the four main characters and says simply: “It’s been emotional.” Which rather sums up how I’ve been feeling, lately. My friend Emru Townsend, co-editor of Frames Per Second Magazine, recently had a bone

My open-source body. Read More »

On "Supernatural"

I should have listened to Henry Jenkins when he talked about Supernatural. (And to everyone who pimped Supernatural to me.) Because then I would have grown accustomed to this level of awesome: This is Jensen Ackles, who plays “Dean” on Supernatural, doing his “Eye of the Tiger” routine as a special feature to the latest episode.

On "Supernatural" Read More »

Things only tangentially related to the story I'm writing:

UCSB study finds physical strength, fighting ability revealed in human faces Subjects were asked to rank the physical strength or fighting ability of the people in the photographs on a scale of one to seven. When the photographs depicted men whose strength had been measured precisely on weight-lifting machines, the researchers found an almost perfect

Things only tangentially related to the story I'm writing: Read More »