¡Junior Numero Diez y Dos en Año de la Mejor Ciencia Ficción!

Es verdad.

My story “The Education of Junior Number 12” is in The Year’s Best Science Fiction 17, edited by Kathryn Cramer and David G. Hartwell. You can read the full table of contents here, at Kathryn’s site.

This is really special, for me. First, it’s really cool to be in an anthology with my friend and classmate Karl Schroeder. Second, check out the other names on that list. I mean, damn. Those aren’t just good science fiction writers, they’re great. They’re the same names I have on the shelves in my apartment. Those names have split spines. I’m proud and terrified in equal measure to have my name next to those names. I intend to read the other stories in the collection very carefully, so I can learn how my story possibly stood alongside them.

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